Useful Information
Parent and School Liaison
A positive home-school relationship is at the heart of life at Burley Gate School. The education of our children is very much a partnership between home and school. Parents are welcomed into school, both formally and informally, and are encouraged to become involved in school life as much as possible.
Parent Consultations
During the school year, there will be two opportunities for parents to come into school for a formal discussion about their child’s progress. Parents are given notice of these dates via the calendar on this website and the school App; a letter will be sent via their child’s book bag inviting them to make an appointment. At the consultation in the Spring term, the children’s work will be made available for parents to look at prior to the appointment.
Staff are always willing to discuss individual progress or issues that may be causing concern at any time of the year. An appointment of mutual convenience can be made via the school office.
We aim to encourage children to drink water throughout the day, as this has a proven link with increased concentration. Parents are requested to provide a suitable drink container for this purpose. Children may also bring a drink for break and lunchtimes. Fizzy drinks are not permitted.
National Fruit Scheme - Children in Key stage 1 are able to participate in the government initiative, whereby they are entitled to a free piece of fruit each day as part of a campaign to encourage children to eat more healthily.
Children in Key Stage 2 are not included in the fruit scheme, but we would like to encourage them to bring in a fruit or vegetable snack for mid-morning break. No other snacks are permitted at break time.
Crisps and biscuits are allowed as part of a child’s packed lunch.